Q: If my child is starting as an older scout, do they have to complete the younger ranks first?

A: No, not at all. Cub Scouts follow these ranks: Lions/Kindergarten, Tiger/First Grade, Wolf/Second Grade, Bear/Third Grade, Webelos/4th Grade, AOL/5th Grade. Your child can start at whatever grade they are in now. All scouts complete a rank called Bobcat when they first get started, which includes basic scouting info and is usually finished in the first den meeting or two.

Q: When are meetings?

A: We meet as a whole group "the Pack' (all ages/ranks) on the first Thursday of the month. The Dens usually meet twice a month, and this is decided on and planned by the Den Leaders, with the parents' input. 

Q: Can siblings attend events/meetings?

A: For the most part, yes, absolutely, and they are very welcome! On occasion we have events that might have an age limit or some council events are only for scouts.

Q: Can girls be in Scouts?

A: Absolutely, and they are welcome! We have had females begin as a Tiger, continue all the way through AOL and onto Troop.

Q: Can I drop my child off at meetings?

A: Cub Scouts is a family organization and parents/guardians are an integral part! We are not a drop off organization. The more you are involved in scouting with your child, the more fulfilling and fun it will be!

Q: Do you fundraise?

A: Yes, our main fundraiser for the year is popcorn sales, the season runs mainly mid-September through the end of October. We know families are busy, so we offer some options you can choose from for your level of involvement. There will be more info given at the first Pack meeting.

Q: How much does scouting cost?

A: National SA fees are $85/year. If you would like the optional monthly Scout's Life Magazine, the subscription is $15/year.

Our Pack dues are separate from the fees above. 

Q: If I can't afford Scouts, what can I do?

A: Scouts SA does not want anyone to miss out due to financial concerns, please visit this link: https://www.bsacac.org/resources/financial-help/

Q: What is Scoutbook?

A: Scoutbook is an online website that is directly connected to our council. We use it to track adventures, send emails, and keep a calendar for events. You will not have access to Scoutbook until your child's application is processed by the council and fees are paid.